The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest:(Mt 9:37- 38).Perhaps these words of our Lord Jesus gave the final Impetuous to the whole idea for founding the SGN society. Rev. Dr. Jose Kaimlett had firm belief that a Missionary Society of apostolic life could help the Universal Church in its felt need of the time. As our founder continued his priestly ministry, he received the inspiration from above that; a Missionary Society of priests (Heralds of Good News) alone would not adequately meet the felt needs of the time in the universal Church. He realized that there was a tremendous need for the women religious. Being fully aware of the increasing shortage of the vocation of women religious especially in the western countries, Rev. Dr. Jose Kaimlett started a Missionary Society for women, in the diocese of Eluru with the approval and blessings of most Rev. Dr. John Mulagada, Bishop of Eluru in the year 1992.
We the Sisters of Good News Society following the footsteps of our Founder, a Saintly missionary priest, had a vision and firm belief that missionary society of apostolic life could help the Universal church in its felt need of the time. Almighty God used Rev.Dr.Jose Kaimlett as an instrument of love to bring forth a new Society of Sisters of Good News. It took root and sprouted on 5th May 1992.