Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Our Founder
Sisters of Good News Society Rev. Dr. Jose Kaimlett

Sisters of Good News Society
SGN - Prayer for Vocation

Sisters of Good News Society

Creator God, Life is your gift to me, through baptism, you invite me to share the gift of my life, in service to others. Be with me as i choose each day to show your presence in our world, give me the courage and generosity, to respond to your love, to your call. I pray especially, for those who serve you as priests, Brothers, Sisters, Deacons and lay ministers. Keep them close to you. Open the minds and hearts of many other men and women that they my accept your challenge to build the kingdom, Amen.

Hymn to our lady.

Mary Queen of Apostles-Pray for us

St. Joseph, the worker-Pray for us

Sisters of Good News Society

Sisters of Good News Society