O most Holy virgin, the queen of the Apostles, we consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart.
We proclaim you as the mother of our society. Gather us all together in your heart, bless us, and our entire religious
family. Defend us from temptation, free us from dangers, counsel us in doubt, console us in sorrow, assist us in illness
and especially at the hour of death.
Hail mary, queen of heaven and earth, we humbly acknowledge our sins, Holy Virgin, we ask your pardon. Help us to
dedicate our lives totally to the glory of God and the service of the brethren. We entrust to you each and every
member of our society, help us to remain constantly faithful to the call 0f God. Mother, queen of Apostles, be to us, light
in the shadows of our life,strength in our weakness. We ask you mother, to intercede for our peace and salvation of our souls. Amen.
- Three our father.
- Three Hail Mary.
- Three glory be ...
- Mary Queen of Apostles - pray of us.
- Hymn to our lady.
Prayer to Mary Queen of Apostles: Mary Queen of apostles, we know that as followers of jesus christ, we are called to co operate in the saving mission of the church, impelled by the loving mercy of God, with the help of your intercession and the strength of the Holy Spirit, we despite our weakness, can confidently reawaken faith and enkindle love in our own lives and in the lives of your people throughout the world. To show our firm resolve in this effort, we promise to devote all our gifts of nature and grace, for the infinite glory of God and the salvation of all. When We can no longer work for this end, we will not cease to pray that there be one fold,and one shephered Jesus Christ in this way, we hope together with you, to enjoy the glory of the apostolate of Jesus christ for ever.Amen
Prayer to St.Joseph: To you / o blessed Joseph / we fly in our tribulation and after imploring the help of your most holy spouse / we also ask with confidence for your intercession. By that tender affection / which bound you to immaculate virgin mother of God / and by the paternal love / with which you did embrace the child Jesus, we beseech you to look kindly upon the inheritence / which Jesus Christ / acquired by His precious blood / and by your powerful aid help us in our needs. Protect, O most careful guardian of the Holy Family / the chosen people of Jesus christ keep us loving Father / from all pestilence/of error and corruption From your place in heaven/most powerful protector/be merciful with us/in this warfare/with the powers of darkness/and as you rescued the Child Jesus /when in at most peril of life/so now defend God's Holy church/from the snares of the enemy/and from all adversity. Guard each of us/by your constant patronage/so that, sustained by your example and help/we may live in holiness/die a holy death and obtain evelasting happiness in heaven. Amen
Let us pray for the intentions and good health of our Holy Father.
Let us pray for the intentions and good health of our mother general and her Councillors.
Let us pray for the departed soul of our Founder and departed souls from our Society and from our families.
(After each intention 1 our Father, 1 Hail Mary,1 Glory be...)
Mary Queen of Apostles-Pray for us
St. Joseph, the worker-Pray for us
Novena to St.Joseph: O Glorious descendant of the Kings of Judah, inheritor of the virtues of all the patriarchs, just and happy St.Joseph listen to my prayer. Thou art my glorious protector, and shall ever be,after Jesus and Mary, the object of my most profound veneration and tender confidence. Thou art the most hidden, the greatest saint, and art peculiarly the patron of those who serve God with the greatest purity an fervour. In union with all those who have ever been most devoted to thee, i now dedicate myself to thy service; beseeching thee for the sake of Jesus Christ, who vouchsafed to love and obey thee as a son, to become a father to me, and to obtain for me the filial respect, confidence and love of child towards thee. O powerful advocate of all Christians, whose intercession has never been found to fail, deign to intercede for me now, and to implore for me the particular intention of this Novena (specify it) O most provident Guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen race of Jesus Christ; drive far from us, most loving father, every pest of error and corrupting sin: from your place in heaven, most powerful deliverer,graciously come to our aid in this conflict with the powers of darkness; and as of old you delivered the child Jesus from supreme peril of life , so now defend the holy Church of God from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity; have each of us always in your keeping,that following your example and borne up by your strength, we may be able to live holily,die happily and so enter into everlasting bliss of Heaven,Amen.
Three-our father
Three-Hail mary
Three-Glory be
Hymn to St.Joseph.