The main purpose of our formation is to discover one’s Vocation and to shape one’s life in accordance with the charism and spirituality of the society. We the Sisters of Good News Society took remarkable care for the integral formation of its pioneers. We strongly believed that the Religious are the spiritual leaders of the church; hence we are prepared to face the reality of the world today and respond to its daily challenges .We form our formees spiritually strong and well equipped.
Come and See
It lasts for one year. This period of time is spent in the study of language.
The scope of this period is to verify the authenticity of the candidates’ vocation and their capacity to respond to it. The aspirant who manifests the signs of missionary vocation and has the necessary requisites to begin the formation is admitted to the Society by the Mother General.
It lasts for two years for those with S.S.C. qualification and one year for those who join the convent after the intermediate, its equivalent to higher qualification.
Having recognized in the aspirant the signs of the Lord’s call for the missionary life and verified the fundamental disposition necessary to respond to it ,the Mother General admits her to the postulancy. During postulancy the candidate grows in an explicit awareness of the Divine call and appreciate its greatness. The scope of this period is to lead them to make the choice freely to follow the Lord, according to our project of life. In view of this, it is important that the candidate deepens her life of faith through the experience of a true encounter with Christ, who alone can make her ready to follow Him and face serenely the renunciations which the new life involves. It lasts for one year.
First year of Novitiate: First year is considered as canonical year as directed by the code of canon law. The scope of this period is to initiate the young novice to live the community of consecration, in the personal assimilation of the values of the charism of the Society and to verify clearly her fitness. Therefore the novice welcomes the period of novitiate as a favourable occasion to be with the Lord, in order to learn from his words and gestures, attitudes and criteria which have to permeate her life and activity.
Second year of Novitiate: In the second year of novitiate she is helped to deepen her familiarity and attachment to Christ by a loving study of the word of God, a profound education to prayer above all through living prolonged prayer experiences. She grows in such familiarity also through a convinced and diligent participation in the liturgical and sacramental life and filial love to the Blessed Virgin Mary from whom she derives inspirations as her model and guide.