Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Our Founder
Sisters of Good News Society Rev. Dr. Jose Kaimlett

Sisters of Good News Society
SGN - General Assembly 2018


The Fourth General Chapter was held from 13th to 15th January, 2018 at Generalate, Thangellamudi, Eluru. His Excellency Most. Rev. Dr. Jaya Rao Polimera, the Bishop of Eluru was the president and Rev. Fr. Celestine, the Spiritual Director was the Moderator and 45 Sisters as Delegates were present.The theme of the chapter was " ROOTED IN CHRIST".

Sisters of Good News Society
Most. Rev. Dr. Jaya Rao Polimera
Sisters of Good News Society
Rev. Fr. Celestine

The chapter was initiated with a prayer song and Rev. Sr. Rosily Pullely welcomed the gathering followed by lighting of the lamp by Most. Rev. Dr. Jaya Rao Polimera, Bishop of Eluru, Rev.Fr.Celestine,the Spiritual Director, Rev. Sr. Anne Mathew, our Mother General, Rev. Fr. Kyriel D'Souza, the Moderator and Rev. Sr. Anne Mary the Delegate Superior.

Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society

Rev.Sr.Anne Mathew, the Mother General presented the report of the Society and Rev.Sr.Anna Anitha, the Treasurer General presented the existing Financial report of the Society.

Sisters of Good News Society
SGN - Secretaries for the Assembly

Sisters of Good News Society
Sr. Rincy
Sisters of Good News Society
Sr. Y. Vimala

His Excellency Most. Rev. Dr. Jaya Rao Polimera, Bishop of Eluru, presided over the election of the Mother General and councillors. The elected members were as follows:

Rev. Sr. Rosily Pullely Varghese The Mother General
Rev. Sr. Johncia Mampallikunnel Assistant Mother General
Rev. Sr. Nija Vara The Councillor
Rev. Sr. Merita Ignasi Muthu The Councillor
Rev. Sr. Binu Nicholas The Treasurer General

Day 2: Jan 14,2018: Rev.Fr. Celestine, The Moderator of the chapter gave the key note address on the theme ( "ABIDE IN JESUS AND STEP OUT FOR HIS MISSION.") Rev.Fr. Kyriel D'Souza, the chapter guide appropriated the discussions. And at the end of the discussions, the points were approved and seconded to pass on for declaration by Sr.Nija Vara, Sr. Sagaya Mary, Sr. Auxilia Mary and Sr. Y. Vimala

Sisters of Good News Society
Sr. Nija Vara
Sisters of Good News Society
Sr. Sagaya Mary
Sisters of Good News Society
Sr. Auxilia Mary
Sisters of Good News Society
Sr. Y. Vimala

Day 3: Jan 15,2018: The Chapter members were divided into five groups and evaluated the proposals in discussion. Mother General Rev.Sr. Rosily Pullely announced the portfolio of the General Councillors as follows:

Rev. Sr. Johncia Mampallikunnel Education Co-ordinator
Rev. Sr. Nija Vara Vocation, Formation Co-ordinator
Rev. Sr. Merita Ignasi Muthu General Secretary
Rev. Sr. Binu Nicholas Finance Co- ordinator

The Chapter members expressed their sincere appreciation to the Mother General and Councillors and to Rev. Fr.Kyriel D'Souza, the Chapter Moderator for the systematic arrangement quoting all the positive elements of the Chapter.

The former Mother General Rev.Sr.Anne Mathew and Councillors were thanked and felicitated by the New Governing Body.

Rev.Sr.Rosily Pullely, Mother General concluded the General Chapter officially with a prayer and blessing.

Sisters of Good News Society
SGN - Delegates

Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society
Sisters of Good News Society

Sisters of Good News Society